Baby Update!

I entered into Week 26 last Wednesday.

To say I have blossomed would be a nice way of saying, “Holy Crap, I am large”

No longer can I talk about feeling large and people reassure me its my imagination.

I have gained 18 pounds.


I am seriously getting nervous about being one of those women that gain 65 pounds with their first baby. – please note, this is not the time to tell me something about eating right and exercising.


Anywho. I can’t say I am having any cravings, but the Florida heat is starting to set in. I am a major believer that a Coke Icee can actually cool my simmering body from the inside out….If Al Gore would have suggested this for global warming, he may have won that presidential race.

Last week was brutal in the sleep department. I was waking up drenched in sweat multiple times a night. But this week has been better and I have really enjoyed sleeping 7-8 hours a night.

Bethany is moving a lot! I love it! I love it! I love it!

Here are a few 4D images I hadn’t posted yet:

You can see her face, arms and foot

Bethany cute!

Last week I felt her move her hands and feet at the same time. SO COOL!

I have started having a few round ligament pains, but once I sit down for a half an hour they totally go away.

My mom was here last week and we had a blast!

She loved getting to feel the baby move and I loved having my mom to chat with! One of the goals she wanted to accomplish while here was getting some preggo shots of me:

This is me being a super model

This is the real me!

Its a House and God Loves It!

The Hubs and I have been looking for a house for about 6 months.

It hasn’t been an easy process.

He fell in love with a old charming house that had well water. I am not ok with well water maintenance.

We placed a bid on a house that was built in the 1900s ( really it was just 1980), and was pink.

We were willing to commit a crime to get this one house that was perfect. This guy comes in and offers cash plus 10k over asking price.

Sorry, we left our briefcase of cash at home that day.

Then came our house.

We saw it. We loved it.

We placed our offer in late January and because it was a short sale, they told us we might not move in until May or even June.


It will be a million degrees in Florida in June and I could have this child early. If we have Bethany while we are still in our condo, she will live in a dresser drawer.

It was mountain moving time.

I started praying a specific prayer inspired by Susan.

” Lord, if it is your will for us to get this home, I know you will open the doors necessary. I know you are the creator of Heaven and Earth and I am totally fine if you want to show off a bit.

I am asking that you open the doors for us to not only be approved by the bank, the loan go though, but us moving in by April 15th. If this happens,I know it is you that is pushing it right along. If it doesn’t, I know it is you keeping us steady and patient.”

Can I just tell you we are moving in April 15th?

I am serious. My amazing realtor, Lauren, said she can’t believe how quickly this has moved. It has been such a great testimony of faith and how He works.

I have loved being able to share this answered, tangible prayer.

Often when you pray you have to wait to see the answer or you may never know how he answered this side of Heaven.

It has been so encouraging and awesome.

This is our new home:

Photo-A-Day Challenge: Day 6

Day 6: Makes You Smile

This is the Hubs.

He makes me smile and laugh every-single-day.

Here is he letting the dog run around the tennis courts in the cold Florida winter.

Let me also say, the man pictured above can make me furious in a quick second….faster than any other person on this earth actually.

Its called passion people.

A fun little fact, he hates taking pictures and in the four years we have been together I seriously have less than ten pictures of him really smiling and being a good boy.

This is his latest picture smile….in every picture.

He is so hi-larious.

Photo-A-Day Challenge: Day 5

Day 5: Something You Wore

Anyone that knows me, knows I have a slight obsession with polka dots.

It started in college when my sorority started using blue and while polka dots on….everything.

My mother in law got me the snazzy socks for Christmas…and they are knee high.

This is really great because it is FREEZING in Florida.

I’m Serious.

Stop laughing.

Here is proof:


Other Polka Dot items in my possession:

  • Red/ Black polka dot bible bag
  • Grey/White polka dot small knitting bag
  • Black/White polka dot large knitting bag
  • Blue/White polka dot ADPi magnets
  • Pink/White polka dot robe
  • Multi colored polka dot Dickie’s bag


And that is just what i can think of off the top of my head!!!

I may have a problem.




Day 17

Can you limbo when you are pregnant?

I don’t mean skating rink, disco balls,  and bamboo stick limbo. I mean emotional limbo.

My husband and I are in the process of deciding if we need to move away from Tampa so he can go to seminary. There are many fine EXPENSIVE schools here he can go to, but we just don’t know that we want to be living under student loans for the rest of our lives.

As we I  write a list of pros and cons on each school, each one comes back to this:

  • If we move for him to go to school and I am pregnant, we won’t have health insurance for awhile.  What then?
  • If we move and I am pregnant, we will have no family or friends to help with the baby.
  • If we move and I am pregnant, where will I work? Do we have enough saved to last those short weeks before I can go find a job?
  • If we stay here, we are very sure we will be here forever. Our  dream is to move back to Tennessee.
  • If we stay here, there is a chance our child will actually melt from the searing heat that is Florida 9 months out of the year.


I feel at this point I should make it clear we are not placing a hold on our lives just in case we get pregnant. Come decision time, if there is no pregnancy, we will decide and know it was the right one.  

I sound pretty faithless, but the truth is I know God has a plan for us and our future baby. I am 100% He has already found the perfect school for the Hubs, the perfect job for me, and they are both in the perfect town for our little family.

Belly Question: What are you in limbo about right now?